Everything You Need To Know About The 5 Year Hydrostatic Test
So, what exactly is a hydrostatic test you ask? Well, in simplest terms, the test confirms the fire sprinkler/standpipe components are in working condition and are acceptable for fire department use. Oh, and the FDNY will issue a violation for the test every five years.
What is a hydrostatic test?
More specifically, the hydrostatic test, also known as a functionality test or a 5 year test, is performed every 5 years to verify that:
- The piping has been put together properly.
- There are no leaks.
- The Fire Department Connection can withstand the highest pressure that the system is likely to experience.
The test is completed by applying hydrostatic pressure to the fire department connection and maintaining the pressure for up to 2 hours.
New York City Fire Code section 903.5 states that Fire Department connections must be tested and witnessed by a Fire Department representative at least once every 5 years.
The test can only be performed by a Master Fire Suppression Contractor who has a Class A or B license issued by the NYC Department of Buildings, such as Capitol Fire Sprinkler.
Have you received a letter from the Nassau County Fire Marshals office regarding the 5 year test? The Nassau County Fire Prevention Ordinance states that fire sprinkler/standpipe systems must have a functionality test performed on each fire department connection by a licensed contractor every 5 years.
In Nassau County, the functionality test should only be performed by someone who holds a Certificate of Fitness Type 2. It is performed by applying 100psig to the fire department connection and maintaining the pressure for a minimum of 2 hours.
You can read more about the Sprinkler / Standpipe FDC Five Year Functionality Test Procedures from the Nassau County Fire Commission Office of the Fire Marshal here.
The FDNY will issue a violation for hydrostatic testing every five years. We can not schedule a test with the Fire Department until you receive a notice of violation. (Yes, even if you know the date of your last 5 year test.)
If you receive a violation, don’t worry! Call us or send a copy of your violation to info@capitolfire.com. We’ll provide you with the proper paperwork, scheduling, testing and repairs in order to guide you through the process of clearing your violation.
For those of you in New York City, did you know it’s been 5 years since your system’s last hydrostatic test? And for those in Long Island, did you know your system has not undergone a hydrostatic test since it was first installed?
To help you prepare for your upcoming Fire Department test, we recommend you schedule a pre-test prior to your test date to verify your system is ready. This allows us to make any necessary repairs to your system to make sure it passes the test in the presence of the Fire Department inspector.